2019 Construction Industry Forecast and Analysis

2019 Construction is Build Build Build

Breaking through the Walls of Innovation: 2019 Construction is the Year for Civil Engineers to Shine

Within the past decades, we have seen how technology and innovation revolutionized the field of construction. But if you think that we’ve seen the most of it, that’s when you’re gravely mistaken. Experts believe that 2019 is going to be the breakthrough year for the construction industry.

With all industries taking numerous initiatives towards a more sustainable future, construction leaders are forecasted to be investing even more on green and cost-efficient approaches and innovations. This year, the term sustainable construction will once again come to life as the industry will shift focus on environment preservation and efficient use of resources in order to keep up with societal and cultural progress.

Integration of construction management software will also become a popular trend this 2019. Find out how project management solutions can offer a variety of useful applications from time solution, changing orders, and equipment rentals among others. With the dawn of the new year, let’s welcome easier and more organized construction processes.

In terms of work place safety, 2019 is without a doubt the year for the construction industry as more and more wearable gears embedded with smart sensors will emerge to reduce accidents in the field.

And of course, robots will still be present in the scene replacing cranes to offer more efficiency, safety, while installing autonomously extremely large building components.

In this feature, we will unveil more of these trends that will take over the construction industry this year. We will also be giving insights about the latest tech applications that you should all watch out for.

I bet you that this forecast will leave a feeling of excitement and anticipation for the year 2019. And as a bonus for this month’s release, we are to give you a peek featuring different facets of the life of an engineer—starring hard facts in the professional work environment, life hacks and useful leadership guide.

You wouldn’t also want to miss the top websites to visit for your daily engineering grind. Moreover, relate and correct common engineering mistakes in writing an effective resume/CV so that you’ll be able to finally land on that dream job. Get ready as well to learn the secrets of workplace coaching and its benefits for a better and more proactive leaders inside your firm.

All of that and more from this issue. Happy new year engineers!


2019 Construction, the year of civil engineers

2019 Construction, the year of contractors

2019 Construction, the year of heavy equipment

2019 Construction, the year of building materials

2019 Construction, the year of infrastructure 


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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

2019 Construction Industry Forecast and Analysis

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