Online Security Threats in Power, Water and Utilities

Cyber-attacks are now a huge challenge in the utilities and industrial sector

Online Security Threats

Because of the advancement of the internet, there has been an advancement in the industrial control systems (ICS) as well. There are plenty of improvements in the connectivity and efficiency of the system that makes their service more satisfactory to the consumers.

While the ICS is improving, there is one very significant factor that the organization may have overlooked. It’s their cybersecurity measures. Although the system may have significantly changed over the past few decades, it didn’t manage to upgrade to better security facilities and infrastructures, making the overall structure vulnerability to malicious attacks from hackers and viruses.

The technical ability of hackers has increased in the passing years, and while most incidents had only mild attacks, it is still considered a vulnerability to the system. Cybersecurity should always be an essential issue to deal with in any company. The frequent attacks include data breaches and stolen information, which is already a catastrophe in itself.

But when hackers start messing with more technical stuff such as altering codes and machine processes in the company, then it becomes more than a catastrophe per se. The power and water industry has been quite vulnerable to these attacks as they had been left out of the cybersecurity trend.

They are too concerned with downtimes and not servicing their customers properly that they opt out of upgrades and improvements, making their securities too outdated for hackers and viruses.

Cyber-attacks are now becoming an impactful problem in the digital world, and while there is a multitude of easy ways to counterattack these vulnerabilities, some companies are not just too aware of the possible consequences outdated systems bring to their workforce and overall processes.

Companies should always maintain their systems and ensure that dedicated IT experts and security staff are always available to look out for possible breaches and malware.

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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

Online Security Threats in Power, Water and Utilities

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