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Tip for Engineers: If Your Boss Thinks You Should Quit, Do This

This will be a lot easier to handle if you also think you should quit.

There will come a time that you begin to ask a lot of questions about your career choice or the way your engineering job is running. Along with this, you will feel some pressure to make a diversion, which includes quitting your job.

You would not notice it but as you think about this kind of stuff, your behavior around the workplace changes. You are more disconnected than ever at work. You are not the same engineer when you entered that office or site because your performance also hits low.

It will not take long that your boss notices this. He or she might think that you are already uninterested about being included in the organization. And you’re extremely lucky if he or she is willing to let you go.

But by then, there will be moments of doubt as you explore what to do next.

Before you file that resignation letter, here are questions you should ask yourself to guide you how to manage this decision:

“Will I regret this resignation in the future?”

To answer this, you only have to look at your background with the company. Especially the most recent experiences.

It can be really scary to make the jump because of the fear of unemployment and financial loss. But if you think otherwise, do that life-changing decision and quit.

Carlota Zimmerman, a career coach and success strategist, has this to say: “You should be honest with yourself: do you really want this job? It’s hard enough to fight for what we want in this life; it’s immeasurably more difficult to fight for something that no longer speaks to us.”

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Photo via NPR

You should be able to answer that, even not wholeheartedly.

“If no, which steps should I take next?”

Your boss could help with this, if he or she’s the type.

Perhaps you could both discuss about the direction of your career, which is also your opportunity to tackle the issues thast concern you about the company. Or maybe that you only need to take a different engineering role in the company, and your boss will make you realize that.

“No one cares more about your career than you do, so take proactive steps to work with the manager to either improve in the existing position or develop a transition strategy,” said Amanda Haddaway, Managing Director of HR Answerbox.

Amy Cooper Hakim, Ph. D., the founder of The Cooper Strategic Group, added that you should be able to admit to your mistakes and provide a specific plan on how to address your issues – if it applies – which will show responsibility, dedication, and work ethic on your side.

“How do I make the transition?”

If you decide to remove yourself from the company instead of exploring a different role within the organization, there is only one thing to do: file that resignation letter.

Photo via Career Addict

However, you have to be graceful when you make the exit. By graceful, it meant that you have to take care of your reputation, and that is by avoiding the burning of any bridges or acting like you do not care about your present job. You have to leave a good impression if you want a good recommendation for interviews.

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This process might be hard in some parts, just like your boss telling to your face straight on that your recent performance as an engineer is not as efficient and as productive like when you started.

That is the bitter reality but it has to be accepted. It’s time to move on and go after a job that you have been longing for.

Source: Glassdoor

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Tip for Engineers: If Your Boss Thinks You Should Quit, Do This

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