How Millennial Engineers Can Be Better Leaders

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.

Millennial Engineers are slowly taking over in the workplace. Some researches show that millennials are the 11 percent that are most likely to drive global change. Soon, millennials will be the ones who will be at the top management of companies.

When we talk about leadership nowadays, it is not solely focused solely on top management anymore. There are a lot of companies now that are creating leaders at every level in the company. So as millennial engineers, it’s important to improve or upgrade your leadership skills as early as now.

Here are some ways to improve your leadership skills and bring about a positive change in the engineering industry you work at.

Share Your Ideas With Management

Source: Christian Coaches

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say, “Ideas are something engineers should never run out of”. No matter how ridiculous your ideas are, if they work, then it’s not ridiculous. As millennial engineers, we have the potential to inspire others with our ideas, which in turn brings out their ideas as well. Let the creative juices flow and “infect” everyone in your team, it will create a huge impact in the company you work at.

So don’t hesitate to share your ideas with management. Your boss wants improvement in your company as well, and a good boss will always love to listen to fresh new ideas.


Be a Continuous Learner

Source: CNBC

Think Kaizen. Kaizen is a Japanese term that is synonymous to “continuous improvement”. The best solution will never be the best for long. As long as there is technology and unlimited ideas, there will always be a better solution in the long run.

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So be hungry for knowledge, learn and indulge in knowledge and apply it at your work. Strong leaders exert extra effort to stay ahead of trends and always want to continuously improve their skills.


Accept Responsibility

Source: Fast Company

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”, i’m sure you all know where that came line came from, and how true! Despite the ups and downs you should learn to accept responsibility for your actions, as well as your team’s actions as well. Learn from the challenges you encounter, so you’ll know what to do in the future.


Stay Passionate and Spark Change

Source: Jody Michael Associates

Always engage yourself at work, and stay passionate. Be excited about your projects and invest yourself in your work. Enjoy your job. Try your best to be a good leader and learn from all your experiences.


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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

How Millennial Engineers Can Be Better Leaders

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