How Engineers Can Make Mondays The Most Productive Day Of The Week

8 ways to make the most out of Mondays

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Source: Medium

Mondays are always a drag for most people. After all, it’s the day you’ve just come back from your well-deserved, relaxing weekend. But Mondays don’t have to be the worst day of the week. In fact, making Monday your best day lets you set the tone of the following week. Here are 8 ways to make Mondays your most productive day:

Make a to-do list

Once you’ve made that list, group similar or related tasks together. After that, tackle each chunk at a time. It’s more difficult to bounce back and forth between different kinds of tasks, so this method ensures that you’re focus is set on one specific zone for a bunch of different tasks at a time.

Get One thing done immediately

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Nothing feels better than that feeling of accomplishment when you’ve finished something. It eases your mind, and allows your subconscious to get into the right mood of work. It doesn’t even have to be a big task, even something small on your list can be fulfilling.

Plan social events in advance

If you want to do something for your weekend, plan it ASAP, and don’t say “yes” to anything that does not fit well into that schedule. This not only pumps you up to get this week done as fast as you can, but also allows for better time management, so that you won’t be too exhausted on the weekends.

Assign 1 main goal for the week

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Again, a sense of fulfillment by the end of the week is very satisfying, so set a goal. It doesn’t even have to be about work. It can be about a hobby, a social event, etc. It doesn’t have to be huge like “finish my book” either. Start small, one chapter at a time. Make this a habit and you’ll be assigning even bigger weekly goals and accomplish them like it’s nothing.

Drink cold coffee

Source: Giphy

It helps build up your energy and keeps you alert and awake, and it takes almost no time to order or make. This’ll help give you that little boost you might need

Don’t do emails until noon

Source: Tenor

It’s tempting, I know, but your day can immediately be ruined by the tedious tasks of reading and answering several hundreds of emails, so save that for later.

Take a 10 minute break every 2 hours

Doing work for several hours at a time doesn’t really help your productivity at all, since it easily drains you of all your energy. Instead, take a short break every 1.5-2 hours. And no, that doesn’t mean opening your phone or PC and checking social media, since it’s way too easy to get distracted that way. Leave your desk. Roam around the room. Talk to your coworkers. Take a walk. Recharge a little.





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How Engineers Can Make Mondays The Most Productive Day Of The Week

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