4 Small Habits to Help Engineers Get Ahead at Work

Creating big career goals is easy, reaching them is another story.

Creating big career goals is easy, reaching them is another story–and how true! We tell ourselves “I’m going to achieve this huge goal”, or “I’ll develop 100 new skills this year”, etc. While there is certainly nothing wrong with dreaming big, the process of reaching those great goals feel impossible from where you start.

So the best solution is to divide your great goals into smaller ones which will eventually lead to your great goal. Allow yourself “bite-sized” steps to get there.

Here are 4 small habits you can start doing everyday to improve your career. They are so simple but they can clearly make a difference in the long run.


Not many people are lengthy book readers, but thanks to technology, there are different media you can read that will help you get your daily dose of knowledge. You can read a an in-depth blog post, an online tech magazine, or maybe if you feel like it–read 5 pages of a book before bed.

Many successful people know that by keeping up with industry news and the latest news in their specific niche, they are always one step ahead of the game. They are constantly learning and understanding new ideas and new perspectives.

So try to read something useful every day. It doesn’t have to be a whole book. You can subscribe to popular and useful publications in your field, like GineersNow and be updated with the latest news in engineering.

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This isn’t school, so don’t make it feel like work. Choose a material that inspires and motivates you to do better.


Keep your networks warm. Don’t just spend time scrolling and throwing away thumbs, heart and laugh reactions on someone’s latest status. Chat them as well. Congratulate a colleague’s work anniversary on Linkedin or email a colleague to grab coffee or a cup of tea.

They may not directly impact your career now, but they will keep the doors open when you may need something later on.

Who knows, you’ll need that person as a reference one day, or they could refer you to someone who can help you on a certain project. You could also start a partnership with their company and probably get a bigger deal. Connect and nurture your network.

Source: Unsplash


No matter what field you’re in, always practice to write–no matter what fashion. Not only will this help you communicate better at work, it can also help you personally, as writing is one of the best therapies out there. Writing can help you clear your head, and process your feelings better making you a more productive person at work.

Ask Questions

Asking questions at work is one of the most cliche pieces of advice you’re going to hear–but they are true and essential. Be curious. Ask your boss their career story and how they got the where they are today, ask your workmate what they are working on, ask the best performer in your team some advice on how he/she balances work and personal life. Always strive to learn more.

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These tips may be very simple, but you’ll be surprised how many professionals don’t do these. If you feel that you want some improvement in your career and don’t know where to start, start with these tips.


Article Source:

The Muse

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

4 Small Habits to Help Engineers Get Ahead at Work

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