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7 Emojis You Must Use to Express Overwhelming Emotions!

Stick around to read more about other extreme emotion emojis that you can use

7 Emojis You Must Use to Express Overwhelming Emotions!


Have you ever gone through such overwhelming situations where your body and mind are unable to immediately process? If the answer is yes, then it is normal for you to feel that way. Living in such a fast-paced and eventful society will throw us off sometimes. Especially when the world is finally telling you to grow up and start the “adulting” life.

Not only reality can hit us hard, but also the challenges that come along with it. At some point, we will feel that life gives us too much and become overwhelmed. We are lucky that we have our friends, family members, and even co-workers to support us. Moreover, the internet might also be able to help you overcome these huge waves of emotions. Thanks to different social media platforms, we can express what we feel in such a creative way and it is through emojis. 

Emojis are a series of mini digital icons that give color to our social media and messaging lives. They can be used to express almost every emotion, and maybe even make a whole life narrative. So you can tap into your overwhelming emotions and release them by sending an exploding head emoji to your close friend. Stick around to read more about other extreme emotion emojis that you can use. 

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Here Are 7 Extreme Emotion Emojis 


1. Face Vomiting Emoji

Social media can be filled with all sorts of fun and entertaining content, but it can also be full of cringe, frustrating, or even disgusting content. Reacting to these kinds of content is normal, and for sure a lot of people feel the same way. You can start by using the face vomiting emoji. Using this emoji does not mean that you are about to throw up, it could just mean that you are extremely disgusted.

It could be extra explicit content, gory short films, rumors about your favorite celebrity, or maybe even a snarky comment from a politician. Anything that triggers that disgusted emotion of yours, can be expressed through the face vomiting emoji. 

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2. Weary Cat Emoji 

You might have the latest fictional horror movies or even true-to-life horror stories, that throw you off a little bit. Well, what better way to express it than by using the weary cat emoji. This emoji may be just the same as the face screaming in fear emoji, but if you want to be extra cute use this emoji. 

Fear is always going to be part of our lives, but it is up to us to overcome them. Sometimes we run out of words to express our fears, and that is what the emojis are for. Expressing this emotion can sometimes be embarrassing, so you can also send a private message to a friend or family because they will for sure come to the rescue. 

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3. Loudly Crying Face Emoji 

Extreme sadness is overwhelming and uncomfortable. This feeling can occur when you lose a loved one, say goodbye to a dream job, or after a break-up. If you feel shy to cry out loud, the loudly crying face emoji will always be available for use. You can either send it to a friend or post it online so someone could comfort you during your trying times. 

On the other hand, this emoji can also be used when you feel like crying over extreme happiness. It just really depends on an individual’s preference. Make sure to release all those emotions and tears with the loudly crying face emoji. 

4. Flushed Face Emoji

Overwhelming situations can sometimes leave us numb and emotionless. We tend to freeze if things get out of hand or when challenges get even harder to face. Using the flushed face emoji is the perfect way to express that feeling of shock, emptiness, and frustration. Once you find yourself using this emoji, it is important to take a step back and think things through. Sometimes we just have to feel our pain to get over them. 

5. Star-Struck Emoji  

It may be a little embarrassing but nothing feels more overwhelming than seeing your ultimate idol or favorite celebrity. Adoration for these people is a little bit more overflowing than how we adore the ordinary people in our lives. It is normal to be a fangirl or a fanboy, especially with these famous people establishing their social media accounts. Your favorite celebrity might just notice you online, so be prepared to use the starstruck emoji. 

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6. Smiling face With Heart-Eyes Emoji

Overwhelming emotions do not always have to be negative, because feeling love or giving love is indeed a different level of happiness. You can use the smiling face with heart-eyes emoji to express your love and admiration for your significant other. This may also apply to love for friends, family, animals, and almost everything around that makes us feel secure and happy. 

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7. Rolling On The Floor Laughing Emoji

This pandemic has indeed brought us extreme sadness and frustration. While we are not fully able to enjoy the outside world, we turn to the internet and social media for entertainment. Content creators have also adjusted to what their fans need and that is positivity, funny, and entertaining content. It is a sure-fire that you will come across numerous funny contents, some that will throw off all the sadness in your mind and body. The rolling on the floor laughing emoji is the perfect one to use, especially when you are sharing a laugh with anyone online. 


Experiencing overwhelming emotions is part of being human. Every person experiences being sad, happy, angry, and all other emotions that is why these emojis were made available for all to access and use when they feel like it. 

Society today is accepting and respectful of vulnerability. This means that you should not be afraid of expressing emotions once in a while. Who knows, you might meet people that can relate to you and build a new friendship. 

If you want to know more about these emojis, you can visit to find more information about these fun digital icons!

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7 Emojis You Must Use to Express Overwhelming Emotions!

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