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Cool Memory Tricks for Young Engineers

They say the best trick to sharpen our memory is to “trick” our brains in turn. Here, we’ll be presenting you some nifty tricks that’ll one way or another give your memory powers a boost.

(Source: Hulu)

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers.

They say the best trick to sharpen our memory is to “trick” our brains in turn. Here, we’ll be presenting you some nifty tricks that’ll one way or another give your memory powers a boost. Whether it be a Board Exam, finals Exam, a presentation, declamation, oration, whatever it is that needs some brain power, these tips may help you.  Some may work for others, while some may not, but they’re all worth a good try!

Source: Pinterest


Trick 1: Mnemonic devices

Source: Study

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Chipkin)

This is one of the most basic tools that you might already know of. This method is great for memorizing formulas, certain elements in a cluster, or constants that belong to the same group.


Trick 2: The gummy bear method

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Exam Time)

This trick is great for helping you finish, memorize or understand long texts and boring paragraphs. For every paragraph on your hand-out or book that you need to finish, you place a gummy bear. Once you finish a paragraph, you get to eat the gummy bear. A sort of reward system. If gummy bears don’t work for you, you can always choose any treat you want. This method is not for the impatient though *coughs*.


Trick 3: Chew gum

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Giphy)

Studies show that chewing gum while reviewing for an exam, then chewing the same brand of gum during the exam itself will help you remember most of what you reviewed.

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Trick 4: Formula wall paper

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Residence Style)

Grab some paper, write everything you need to remember, like formulas, names, and dates then stick’em all over your room. Yes, that includes covering even your favorite band poster—for the mean time. This can be a complementary memory booster to your mnemonic devices. You’ll see it when you enter your room, when you wake up, when you study, or even when you’re daydreaming.


Trick 5: Sing your notes

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: YouTube)

Sounds funny, but this actually works. Don’t you ever wonder why it’s so easy to remember the lyrics to different popular songs, yet it’s so difficult to memorize all the elements of the periodic table? What gives?! Well why not combine them? The result? Listen to this.


Trick 6: Compute manually on the go

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Giphy)

Crunching numbers manually in your head can actually exercise your brain and even improve your memory and stock knowledge. So whenever you get the chance, when you commute to work or school or when you go grocery shopping, do your computations in your head. You’ll be surprised how easy it’ll be crunching numbers as time goes by.


Trick 7: Re-write

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Giphy)

Some people prefer re-writing their notes or formulas to be able to memorize them. They’d write down their formulas once, twice, thrice… or until they get the hang of it, or until it imprints into their brains.

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Trick 8: Highlight

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: Twitter)

Highlighting important facts, dates, and formulas can help you remember them. Bright colors are lighter on the brain and easier to remember. Remember, just the important facts.


Trick 9: Make flash cards

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: How Why Where)

Make a set of hand-held flash cards for formulas and definitions. These are great for refreshing the memory and are easy to digest.


Trick 10: Solve! Solve! Solve!

Memory Tricks for Young Engineers (Source: CIS 112 Academy)

Sometimes, the best way is always the old school way. When you practice something repeatedly, especially when it comes to problem solving, your brain will turn it into a habit.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Cool Memory Tricks for Young Engineers

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