Confessions: I’ll Change and Be A Better Engineering Student This Year

So, here’s to a brand new year. A fresh start for the happy-go-lucky engineering students like me. I'll be a better engineering student.

I know, I know. I keep saying this whenever a new year starts. New year, new me promises weren’t exactly meant to do as the year progresses. I normally forget the resolutions I make because bad habits are hard to break obviously. No matter what I do, I go back to what’s comfortable and as an engineering student, I keep slacking off in my subjects.

Source: Giphy

I am not the smartest student in class. In fact, I’m just a lucky guy who get by in my major classes because I hang out with my smart friends. They let me copy their homework and exams are normally taken outside classes. To summarize my college experience so far, I’ve been lucky enough to have smart friends, kind professors and an easygoing approach on my academics. But this year, it feels different.

I received an email from my professor in a major class, telling us that if we fail in his class, we’ll have to extend our stay in college for another year. If we fail, the said subject will be offered the next school year again. This professor is known to be unforgiving to all of his students. Even the smartest guy in the batch ahead of me who took his subject only got a passing grade in his exams. He’s the classic terror professor students normally hate and I’m starting to dread his class already.

If I wanted to graduate on time, changes should be made.

Source: Giphy

I know, I know. We keep telling ourselves that we’re going to change for the better every time we have the opportunity to do so. Every New Year, we all fall victims to promises we make to ourselves, which we eventually break. Look, I know you don’t believe but I don’t care.

Read more  The Best & the Worst Professors in Engineering School

But this year, I’ll try harder. I’ll make an effort to pay attention to my professors (especially the terror professor I’ll be having). I’ll ask more questions when I don’t understand the lesson. I’ll try to make my own homework before I compare it to my friends. I’m ready to work my ass off for the subjects I’ll be taking from now on.

I realized that if I don’t make an effort to learn, it’s not going to be my professors who will suffer. It’ll be me. It’ll reflect on my performance once I become an engineer. Obviously, I don’t want to be mediocre in a profession that most people respect. I want to be a great engineer and I really have to make changes with my life.

So, here’s to a brand new year. A fresh start for the happy-go-lucky engineering students like me. I know it’s going to be hard. I know there will be days when I just want to quit and get back to my old lazy self. The coming months are just going to be challenging and I know I will feel like quitting.. but I won’t. I’ll be a better engineering student this year. 

Source: Giphy

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Confessions: I’ll Change and Be A Better Engineering Student This Year

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