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The World’s Love Affair With The iPhone Started 10 Years Ago

Steve Jobs made the whole world know on January 9, 2007 what the iPhone was all about: a “revolutionary product”.

When the iPhone was first introduced, everybody instantly fell in love with it. Who wouldn’t? It looked so sleek and modern. The features were just different from what the normal phones back then were offering and Steve Jobs really knew how to make everyone with an internet connection want it.

Before the iPhone, we had flip phones but when Apple launched what would be its most celebrated  product ever, the mobile phone industry changed. As soon as it was commercially available, everybody just had to have their hands on the new iPhone.

Steve Jobs made the whole world know on January 9, 2007 what the iPhone was all about: a “revolutionary product”. He described it as “a widescreen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone and a breakthrough internet communications device.”

Source: mipodstuff

Source: Popular Science

Apple certainly became one of the biggest tech companies and led the mobile phone industry. By the time the company discontinued selling the original model, more than six million units were sold already. Over SIX MILLION PEOPLE paid $500 each and those who couldn’t afford it clearly felt envious. If not all, most of them were anyway.

Remember how people reacted when it came out 10 years ago?

10 years later, the iPhone is still one of the most wanted phones wherever you go. Whenever the company releases a new iPhone, everybody lines up at the Apple store to buy a new one. In a memorial post by CEO Tim Cook, he said, “iPhone is an essential part of our customers’ lives, and today more than ever it is redefining the way we communicate, entertain, work and live. iPhone set the standard for mobile computing in its first decade and we are just getting started. The best is yet to come.”

Read more  Why Did Apple CEO Tim Cook Earn Less in 2016?

Source: Giphy

Source: Giphy

(CEO Tim Cook introducing the iPhone 7)

We cannot wait to see what the company is offering us once they release it’s 10th anniversary iPhone special.

Article Sources:

The Verge

Popular Science



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The World’s Love Affair With The iPhone Started 10 Years Ago

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