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A Haiku for all the Engineering Women

A 5-7-5 piece to encourage women engineers.

Engineering Women

The greatest feats may
be engineered by men but
it is not yet late.

You cannot rewrite
history anymore but
you can change what’s next.

Engineering Women (Source: American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Be the engineer
that the world wants to notice.
Think. Design. Produce.

Prove to the world that
women are capable of
the things men can do.

Perhaps you can do
even better with your own
gift: intuition.

Engineering Women (Source: Purdue University)

Women have such gift
that men do not have. Use it
to your advantage.

Be the engineer
who challenges man’s power.
Intimidate them.

Do not think that you
are less of an engineer
‘cause you’re a woman.

Engineering Women (Source: Michelle Easter)

What means to humans
the most is what you can do
despite your gender.

Never look at your
kind as the inferior
because that’s absurd.

Take inspiration
from women who waved your flag
to fix prejudice.

Engineering Women (Source: Team BFK)

They broke the ceilings
and bannered women’s talent
in math and science.

We live in an age
that produced their labor to
prove that women can.

All you need to do
is push limits that you have
never pushed before.

Engineering Women (Source: Lake Superior State University)

Do not be afraid
to jump out of your comforts:
think outside the box.

Break free from the chains
that hold you from doing things.
Go out there. Work hard.

Read more  There is An “Engineer Barbie” But It Barely Does Engineering

You are a woman
and you are an engineer.
Take pride you are both.

Source: BBC

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Engr Eva Allanigue
Chemical Engineering graduate with a passion in writing weird stuff at GineersNow. Official globe-trotter with luxury luggage, bags & accessories. Follow me on Linkedin

A Haiku for all the Engineering Women

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