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6 Work Practices That Make the Best Engineers Leave the Company

Are you an engineering manager? Take note of these practices to keep your top talent stay.

For managers of engineering companies, one of the worst things that could happen within the organization is to lose great talent. Engineers who are the most productive, most efficient, and most effective are great assets so it is regrettable when they quit.

There’s only one thing to make them stay: keep them engaged in the work system. And companies cannot do that if they continue to practice the following:

Making a lot of stupid rules

A rule can be considered as stupid or ridiculous when it is completely unnecessary to enforce. Say for example the attendance policy which has to be reminded every time by the boss. What matters most to the top-performing engineer is he or she produces results regardless about if he or she misses a day at work, especially when the reason for absence cannot be controlled.

Treating everyone equally

Why is this a problem? Because it is unfair. When an engineer performs better than everyone else and still gets the same treatment (and pay!) from those who barely do quality or significant work, he or she will feel the need to find another workplace where he will be valued more.

Tolerating poor performance

This is related to the one above. Something should be done to the engineer who does not contribute anything significant to the company, does the minimum work, and does not give his or her everything at work.

Source: Shutterstock

No recognition for accomplishments

When an engineer works to no end and barely gets a congratulatory or ‘job well done’ note, it feels that his or her efforts do not matter. It simply shows that the company is not paying attention to the hardwork of the engineer, which could lower the quality or value of his or her outputs.

Not caring about the employees

Breaks are important for an engineer so he or she could still have a life outside of work. For personal welfare. A company which exhausts its best-performing engineer all the time is not far from losing him or her anytime soon. While it’s important that targets are achieved, managers should still consider the overall well-being of their subordinates especially when it comes to health.

Not making things fun

An engineer also wants to have fun while at work! Google knows this very well, which is why it has free meals, office playgrounds, and even a gym class for its employees. Because the company knows that this helps the people working for them to destress and to have fun. By integrating some fun aspects on the job, the engineer will feel that the workload is a lot less lighter.

Source: World Economic Forum

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6 Work Practices That Make the Best Engineers Leave the Company

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