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Here’s Why Your Business Should Invest in a Time Tracking Software in 2020

In a nutshell, a time and attendance tracking software helps you determine your business priorities, streamline tasks effectively and increase productivity

The advancement in technology has brought forward a lot of tools to aid businesses in better and smoother functioning. Whether you’re looking for better project management, effective communication or easy accounting – you can find the most relevant tools with just a little research.

One such tool is a time and attendance tracking software which can make a huge difference in improving your business performance. It goes without saying that good time management is a must for every business, big or small. A time tracking software keeps track of time spent by an employee and maintains a detailed record of work done by them on specific projects.

But is time tracking essential? Is it a worthwhile investment? Following are 5 reasons why your business should invest in time-tracking software:

  • Higher productivity:

A time tracking software gives valuable insight into the time being spent on each task. These can make business owners aware of when a given task was completed and which employee completed it.

It also helps understand what processes are slowing them down. You can then use this information to enforce accountability and to address any inefficiencies. Also, when employees know that their work is being monitored, it challenges them to focus better and be more productive.

  • Workflow Transparency:

When employees start using time tracking software, they’re able to see how much time they’re taking to execute an ongoing task as well as all the upcoming tasks assigned to them.

Business owners, too, have access to this information, which makes the whole workflow very transparent. This real-time information sheds light on any tasks that are taking too much time and effective solutions can then be found to tackle this issue.

A time tracking software also creates transparency amongst employees as they are aware of what workload each is handling.

  • Increase in production:

Many times, employees can get distracted and end up spending unnecessary amounts of time on tasks that don’t require so much attention. Alternatively, they could be focusing more on outside activities in between work like surfing social media platforms, being on a call for too long, constantly checking notifications on the phone, etc.

A time tracking software makes employees more responsible and they can get more work done in a day. This leads to a substantial increase in production. It also helps business owners examine which processes are more profitable than others for better production and for increasing revenue.

  • Better management:

The timesheets generated by a time tracking app helps you assess the progress of all ongoing projects. This helps you schedule tasks better amongst the employees to ensure successful completion before delivery deadlines.

In case of any issues in a certain project, you can examine the timesheets and find better ways to manage the workload. Business owners can also see which tasks are going over budget and take a call on whether to proceed / modify them.

It also becomes easy to determine which employees are best for certain tasks, which helps better assign tasks.

  • Accuracy in pricing and estimates:

When a business is in the growing stage, you need a good control over the operations to avoid any unnecessary expenses. Time tracking software helps improve your pricing by providing accurate records of all tasks.

Past time records can help you judge how much time will go into a project and provide accurate estimates to clients. Accurate estimates are essential to understanding whether undertaking a project will be profitable for your business.


In a nutshell, time and attendance tracking software helps you determine your business priorities, streamline tasks effectively, and increase productivity. Once your employees get accustomed to it, you can start reaping its benefits immediately.

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Here’s Why Your Business Should Invest in a Time Tracking Software in 2020

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