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Mining Disasters You Never Want To Witness

In this article, we list down some of the mining industry’s worst accidents that ever happened

Working in a mining site is not an easy job. In fact, working in one means knowing you may never get to live to see the bright skies and your families if you’re not too careful at your job. Sometimes, unfortunate accidents happen and cause a lot of consequences to different mining companies. Given the risks involved in mining, a lot of companies make sure that they practice safe work ethics… or mining disasters will occur.

Of course, one still couldn’t avoid an accident. The world witnessed a lot of horrifying accidents that caused a lot of lives. If there’s one thing people can learn from these events, it’s that companies should invest a lot on making sure everyone who works for them are safe in the workplace. It also pays to hire the best crisis management team in case of emergencies.

In this article, we list down some of the mining industry’s worst accidents that ever happened:

In South Africa

Source: 911 Metallurgist

The mine disaster in Coalbrook, South Africa urged the South Africans to change the way companies dealt with the work safety issues. Back in 1960, 437 miners were trapped in a section of the Coalbrook mine because of a rock fall. Due to methane poisoning, only 20 people survived because no equipment was able to take the workers out of the mine. This lead the companies to invest on a suitable rescue drilling equipment.


In France

Source: Wikimedia

Around 1099 people died when a coal-dust explosion destroyed the Courrieres mine in 1906. Two-thirds of the miners working there died. Children also died in the explosion. Those who survived suffered from burns and got sick by the gases.


In China

Source: 911 Metallurgist Mining Disasters

In the Benxihu Colliery, a coal-dust explosion occurred back in 1942. The accident cost 1,549 lives and it took around 10 days to remove all the bodies.


In Wales (United Kingdom)

Source: Wales Online Mining Disasters

Back in 1913, the famous Senghenydd Colliery disaster happened. A methane explosion occurred which ignited a coal dust. Around 439 miners were killed and is considered the most deadly mine accident in United Kingdom.


In Japan

Source: 911 Metallurgist Mining Disasters

An accident occurred in the Japanese Mitsubishi Hojyo coal mine. Back in 1914, a gas explosion killed around 687 workers. Another accident occurred in 1963 which killed 458 miners in the Mitsui Miike coal mine from carbon monoxide poisoning.


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Mining Disasters You Never Want To Witness

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