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What Is CMMS Software?

CMMS software helps companies organize maintenance tasks

A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a tool for tracking a company’s maintenance work and managing assets and inventory, which are both crucial to any business’s success. Depending on the size of the company, several technicians can handle such processes manually. Still, most employees can’t deny that the responsibility of these workloads can be tedious and stressful.

Fortunately, CMMS was introduced, and such jobs have been addressed more conveniently and much easier. But how does it work, and what are its uses?

If you want to know more about CMMS software, read below.

CMMS Software – How Does It Work?

There are two types of CMMS software available: on-premises and cloud-based CMMS software.

  • Cloud-Based CMMS: It runs online via a software provider who takes care of everything about IT, backups, security, and hosting for the system. Cloud-based CMMS software can also be accessed by using any computer with a web browser and internet connection.

Another advantage of using cloud-based software is that it is updated automatically, so you are always using the most secure and updated version.

  • On-Premise CMMS: On-premise CMMS software runs on its own with the company’s hardware, like computers and servers. It’s a more traditional and much older way to deploy a CMMS.

The advantages of this CMMS installation include having more control over the functionality and design of the CMMS and full data privacy.

Some drawbacks of on-premise CMMS software include more complex implementation, high costs, and the need to backup, maintain, and update software and hardware.

What Are The Uses of CMMS Software?

One of the trends in the manufacturing sector is the use of CMMS software. The software provides a lot of purposes to make every workload more convenient.

If you’re wondering how you can benefit from CMMS software, below are some of its uses:

  1. Schedule Activities

One of the best uses of CMMS software is that it provides a work calendar, which suits scheduled preventative maintenance.

When it comes to team planning, CMMS software can help schedule recurring tasks and send alerts and reminders to the right individuals involved. Through this, workloads for the maintenance teams are evened out to ensure that the tasks will be finished in the fastest way.

  1. Track Workloads

By using CMMS software, maintenance managers can easily assign a technician to repair equipment with issues and put notes on the problem. Once done fixing, the technician can mark the work order complete, and the manager will be notified about the completion of the assigned task.

  1. Manage Inventory

Oftentimes, maintenance teams have to manage the inventory, which may include tools, such as supplies and spare parts for the machines.

CMMS software provides a simple interface for teams to see the number of items in the storage, the items used in repairs, and the new ones. With this, managing inventory can be done easily and other aspects like expenses and costs can be controlled as well.

Benefits Of Using CMMS Software

Companies require a lot of things to run well, including sales staff, marketing, a good production team, and cash flow. An element that businesses frequently overlook is maintenance and management software. This is where CMMS software comes in. This program helps a business save money and run smoothly.

Below are some of the amazing benefits of using CMMS software in your business:

  1. Long Equipment Life

Regardless of what kind of assets or equipment you have, they’ll require maintenance. Performing preventive and routine maintenance will help any equipment last longer and will help you enjoy savings in the long run. Scheduling maintenance regularly does not only result in longer life of the equipment but also it can lessen equipment replacement and purchases.

With CMMS software, you can minimize any unplanned repair costs by enabling you to check out the repairs made to the components so you can decide if they must be replaced.

  1. Increased Productivity

Not only does quality CMMS software allow you to schedule preventive maintenance, but it can also let you see the instructions for a job, whether you have parts on hand, and what’s needed for the work. CMMS software also shows some pertinent information, like warranties and service histories.

  1. Reduced Downtime

When machines break down, downtime typically happens while machines are waiting to be repaired. This downtime may be longer if the parts that are needed to repair the machine aren’t on hand.

By using CMMS software, you’re alerted when the parts should be ordered before the machine breaks down so there will be less downtime.


CMMS software helps companies organize maintenance tasks. At present, there are various CMMS products you can use for your business. Depending on your preferences or needs, make sure to use the right CMMS software suited for your company’s needs to get the best value of your investment.

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