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Media Training is a Must for Engineering & Tech Industries

Why there are so little to none media training in the industrial, energy, tech and engineering sectors?

Media Training


Proper media training can boost the brand, image and sales of engineering, industrial, energy and technology companies.

You need an online presence with the proper tone of voice. Without media training, you are conveying mix messages to your target audience which is confusing for them. If buyers are confused, they will look for another brand.

But why there are so little to none media training in the industrial and engineering sectors?

Whether you are a construction, HVAC, oil & gas, manufacturing, industrial, technology, heavy equipment or industrial business executive responsible for speaking with the media, it is vital you undergo formal media training to accomplish your communications objectives to the fullest extent.

Only with professional media training will you understand the media roadmap and how to navigate it, which is considered to be very complex.

What is Media Training for Industrial Sector

Media training is a specialized form of communications training that focuses on dealing with the media and learning the tactics used by journalists when questioning a company or organization’s spokesperson.  It is one of the most essential steps in the process of building and managing the reputation of business and government sectors.

Effective media training enables individuals to communicate positive messages to various audiences and successfully deal with any media crisis facing their organization.

Communication Skills

Media training requires both intensive application and professional knowledge.

Once this is achieved, the trained individual will be confident enough and armed with the necessary know-how to face the media under any circumstances.

Comprehensive media training will help with the development of communication skills and the ability to deal with any kind of media – print, broadcast or online. Furthermore, it helps in learning how to influence the recipient through interaction with the camera and microphone and facilitates psychological preparation for such an exposure.

Damaged Brand in Tech, Mechanical & HVAC Companies

  • Remember the exploding batteries of Samsung Galaxy Note 7?
  • Are you prepared to handle this crisis?
  • Do you have a media crisis playbook?
  • Who is the right spokesperson who can connect to your audience?

Media training is an important step that will help the spokesperson to better control any situation involving the media, and enables them to avoid misinterpretation of their quotes and quash any rumors, both of which might cause irreversible damage to the organization’s reputation and weaken the brand image.

It is evident globally that veteran journalists have the ability to pose leading questions that put the spokesperson in the hot seat, ultimately causing the target audience to lose trust in the brand and organization.  However, it is also evident globally that with the right and consistent media training, the spokesperson is able to turn the situation around, responding to the questions calmly and confidently, winning over the audience in the process.

Right Messages for Oil & Gas, Construction, Mining & Utilities

  • Remember the British Petroleum oil spill crisis?
  • Do you think you can handle this kind of crisis?
  • Is your company prepared to respond?



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Identifying the key messages of your organization is essential so you know exactly what you want to convey to the media in any interview or interaction with them. It is also important that the messages are precise and concise, focused on your audience and product or service you are offering, using clear and easy to understand language.

The untrained media spokesperson prefers to move away from the press and avoids dealing with it directly, while a trained official is always willing to engage.  This difference is due to the disparity in the communications skills of the two groups.

Trained individuals are able to capture the attention of the journalist, giving him what he wants and leaving a positive impression of themselves and their organization. Meanwhile, an untrained individual will struggle to say anything out of fear of the microphone or camera, leading to mistrust and a negative impression.

As an effective and qualified media spokesperson you will be able to build positive relationships with journalists that have them return to you again in the future for expert commentary.  Your company media spokesperson should be elected based on their training and experience, rather than seniority in the organization.  A well-trained middle manager is better placed to represent the organization competently than those holding higher positions but lacking the necessary training and confidence.

Media Training for Industrial, Engineering & Tech Companies

Media training will equip spokespeople with the following skills:

  • Insight into the media landscape
  • How to anticipate and respond to difficult questions
  • How to prepare for an interview
  • Organizing thought to convey key messages clearly

Ultimately, specialized media training helps you avoid the possibility of failure in interviews by ensuring that your messages are not misunderstood, and your target audience is satisfied with your answers.

Interacting with the media without proper training will risk your company’s or organization’s reputation and credibility.

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Engr. Jenae Muller
Engineering geek. Currently working at Murray & Roberts Joburg. Former senior engineering recruiter at Group Five Engineering & Construction. Studied industrial engineering at Univ of Johannesburg. Kickass Dutch who likes tattoo. Blogging about innovations. Follow me on Linkedin

Media Training is a Must for Engineering & Tech Industries

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