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The Business Value of UX Design

UX Design Helps Your Users Make the Right Decisions

In the future, user experience will be more important than the product itself and its price. Moreover, the user experience will become the brand’s main identifier, which is enough to talk about its business value. However, in this article, we decided to look at this issue even more deeply. We gathered seven reasons why you should pay attention to your user experience design and realize its business value.

UX Design Is One of the First Chances to Make a Good Impression

The first impression of users is formed subconsciously, and here we are talking about visual design. Suppose the visual design of the application or site is not repulsive, or vice versa, too intrusive for users. In that case, they go on to the second stage — the assessment of user experience design.

Only after the user experience is satisfactory and users are able to smoothly complete all the necessary preliminary steps, such as quickly finding the desired product, reading reviews, registering, or leaving their contact details, can we discuss further cooperation in favor of the business.

For example, let’s look at the Lendgenuis website. As soon as you open the main page, you will see that the site is made using white and blue colors, which, from marketing psychology, means safety and stability. This is the right decision because the site offers a quick opportunity to borrow money from trusted lenders. The corresponding form is also located immediately in front of the user. Below, users can get additional information and familiarize themselves with the service’s rules.

UX Design Helps Your Users Make the Right Decisions

So, what is the first and most important goal of creating a business application? That’s right. This is another way to allow users to interact with you in a mutually beneficial way. The user experience in the application is something like a road with pointers, bypassing which the user gradually comes to the need to perform the desired action. And this action is mutually beneficial for both parties.

Therefore, if your UX Design is poorly thought out, everything will happen the other way around. Users will download your application, open it, and look at the interface with uncertainty, not understanding what to do next, where the answer to their question is, and how your application helps them solve their problem.

Proper UX Design Boosts Sales

In continuation of the previous point, it is obvious that as soon as the user gets a smooth opportunity to solve his problem with the help of your business, your sales grow. According to statistics, 61% of users immediately close a site or application if they do not find what they need in a few seconds. Accordingly, if they find the right thing, content, or offer, then this means that you brought them one step closer to the target action – sale or subscription.

UX Design Analysis Can Help You Make Strategic Decisions

As we already said, the user experience design resembles a driving route with pointers. And if you understand how your users are moving on it, you can improve it even more. Maybe your users face obstacles at a certain stage, such as difficulty filling out a five-line registration form from a mobile device. Having discovered this flaw, you can always fix it.

Also, you can get valuable insights on what to develop and create by analyzing routes and user behavior. For example, you find that users put a certain product in the cart and begin to look at the goods further. After that, they added one more product, and at the checkout stage, they found that it is necessary to pay for shipping twice. As a result, they will either be forced to choose between two products (although in fact, they are ready to buy both), or they will refuse to buy it at all and go look for more profitable opportunities.

Positive User Experience Builds Trust

Modern users do not want to work with brands that are not credible. Today, trust between the user and the company is almost the key to deciding. Users are already used to subconsciously building associations between positive experience, modern design, quality content, and brand reliability. Companies that do not care about the user experience immediately undermine their reputation and lose the chance to build long-term, trusting relationships.

This is a subconscious signal for users. If they immediately understand that they are not satisfied with the user experience, they begin to think that your business works just like your application or site—the goods will also be of poor quality, delivery will be long or expensive, and the support service will be dull.

Proper UX Design Initially Saves You Money

Statistics show that the right UX Design can cut support costs by 90%. This is not surprising—why call or write to the support department if you can quickly get answers to all questions without unnecessary action?

This is another plus to what we already talked about—as soon as the user understands what he needs to do, he begins to do it and benefits the business.

Remaking It Is More Expensive Than Doing It Right Initially

The converse is also true. Improperly built UX Design will cost you much more than the initially thought-out architecture of the site or application. Statistics show that these costs can be 100 times more than if you did everything correctly right away. Therefore, this is the case when a hasty decision can be very expensive and directly threaten the success of your business, especially if you initially made high bets on the application or site.


As you can see, the user experience design is one of the main pillars of your online solution. Do everything right once; users will work with your application without your participation. Globally, this is a way to make a business stable, as having received a good experience once, it can be difficult for users to abandon it since there is no sense in walking away from a good thing.

Mónica Rodríguez is a writer, art historian, and editor at LendGenius. She specializes in Art History, Conservation, History, Literature, Finance, Tech, Wellness, and Travel. In her free time, she’s usually roaming the museum halls or the local bookstore surrounded by stacks of books.


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The Business Value of UX Design

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