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Engineers, Stop Doubting Yourself and Go for it

“There will never be a perfect time to do something great.”

Stop Doubting, Just Do It!



I have always loved to do art, play music and to write. Those hobbies have always been the only things that would relax me from the stressful world we are in today… it’s my ecstasy, my escape from reality. Unfortunately, my family couldn’t afford to send me to those prestigious art schools, and music conservatories.

Thankfully, I found out that I had above average skills in math, so I ended up being an engineer. I genuinely loved engineering, and loved my work as a product engineer at an engineering company but I knew deep inside that there was a void that needed to be filled.

I would join small drawing contests, create crafts, or write essays to fill-in my craving. Sometimes, crazy thoughts would cross my mind like leaving my day job and just look for a job that involved doing the things I loved. I talked about it with friends, and family, I told everyone about it. But it remained all talk… and it stayed that way for a while.

Source: Giphy

“I couldn’t leave my day job. What about my finances? How will I pay for my basic necessities? I don’t have time to do both. It isn’t practical.” These are just some of the things I thought about back then.

And then one stressful night at the office, it suddenly hit me.

“If you’re waiting for a sign to start, this is it.”

Source: Wikia

“The best time to start is NOW.”

I was tired of what I was doing, and I wanted to start doing what I loved. So I began creating a strategy. I saved a good amount of money so I could survive for a few months while looking for a job that involved something that I loved doing, talked it over with my family, and then I resigned.

Leaving a life of stability was not easy! I had so many doubts but thankfully, my family was very supportive—even after my savings ran out as I searched for a new job that would suit me. I tried a lot of different things for a few months, and then one day, I finally found it—I’m now an editor for an engineering online magazine. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone, I get to write and at the same time get to continue being an engineer.


Now is the beginning of your new story. Take risks—calculated ones—and feel the adrenaline rush through your veins. Create a new story with new characters and a new narrative. Be your own hero going on an adventure.

Don’t be that person who keeps on saying “I couldn’t.”, “You don’t understand.”, “I need more time.”, “I can’t decide.” Don’t be that person who will regret playing safe their whole life.


Source: Imgur

Get out our your comfort zone, apply for you dream job, book that ticket, learn something new, be free and decide to go for it.

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Engineers, Stop Doubting Yourself and Go for it

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