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Reasons Why Engineers Need a Decent Sleep

Apparently, having a quality sleep is tantamount to work performance.

How many hours of sleep do you get each night? 5? 7? Or perhaps only 3?

While it is relative to say that one’s sleep is short – because for some, 3 hours of sleep is already sufficient – the minimum of hours of rest that engineers should get each night is 6 hours and 8 hours at maximum. Below six hours of sleep, you are bound to display a negative work behavior that could drastically affect your work. And beyond eight hours, which is oversleeping, can also have undesirable effects. These are normal body responses.

But let us focus on the lack of sleep and how it matters for you as an engineer. Recent studies have shown that sleep deprivation undermines the parts of your brain involved in regulating emotions. Consequently, this leads to expression of hostility which could damage the working relationship with your boss.

It is understandable that engineers work long hours. However, you should see to it to sleep as your body requires so you do not compromise your work performance.

Photo via Finances Online

Especially so when you are an engineering manager or leader. When you, as a boss, are an insomniac, the odds are that you will create lots of problems in the workplace. Sleep deprivation is a contributing factor to abusive supervision, according to researchers in management.

And this should be given special attention since you have influence at the workplace. Engineers under your watch are affected in many ways when you display the effects of your lack of sleep – they produce negative outcomes like stress, low job satisfaction, deviant behaviors, poor performance, and wanting to leave the job.

Moreover, sleep deprivation among engineering managers and leaders has something to do with the ability to inspire others. You, who have poor sleep quality, are more likely to be a jerk at work. And who gets inspired with a boss like that? None.

If you are a boss at your engineering firm, at least you are aware now that maybe it is your lack of quality sleep that disrupts your work performance. And if you are an employee with a boss who can be a pain in the ass at times, you now have an understanding that those bad work days only requires your boss to get some decent sleep.

Sources: HBR 1 | HBR 2

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Reasons Why Engineers Need a Decent Sleep

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