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Engineers Recommending Their Friends At Work: A Good or Bad Idea?

It is a good idea. But you have to be careful. Here are tips:

There are many ways that engineers can secure themselves employment. One is to find the perfect job that is suited for them by manually going over companies and working hard to make it. Another is through recommendations by friends, which is a much, much easier way.

If there is an engineering job opening at your workplace, and you know your friend who is an engineer is seemingly a good candidate, would you recommend him or her?

Before answering yes, you have to consider a lot of things.

First, think if that friend of yours will become an asset or liability at your work as an engineer and your co-workmate. He or she could sink your reputation because you may not realize that he or she is a complete dud. Remember that the behavior of a friend can be different from that of an employee, so there is not a complete guarantee that your friend will be a good fit for the job.

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There will be backlash and blame on your part because you are the one who recommended the engineer. For this, your employment status will suffer afterwards.

It is normal to doubt that capabilities of your friend as a workmate. But one way to fix this is to give that friend of yours how it is like to work in your company. Explain how your boss is like, how demanding the job will be, and how he or she should adjust once you share the same company.

Once he or she is okay with everything with little to no qualms and if you already believe that your friend has what it takes to be part of the company you work for, then your friend might just be the one for the job.

At least you have done your part of orienting your friend about what he or she will go into. This is only one of your role as your friend’s advocate at work.

The next thing to do is make sure that your friend gets the job. Your boss could have asked everyone about recommendations, and there is some competition around.

As a friend, you can provide a written recommendation letter about your friend speak to the hiring manager internally. Also, you can help your friend prepare for the interview by coachimg on issues and background regarding the company.

Engineers have to help each other find work. That’s a good idea, although risky at times. But there is something you can do about it.

Source: Monster

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Engineers Recommending Their Friends At Work: A Good or Bad Idea?

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