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Can’t Land an Engineering Job? Stop Doing These Job Search Mistakes

Get a grip! Lose all these lousy job search habits and claim that dream job.

There are just engineers who are so reckless during their job search. Some do not care about polishing their resumes, going to the job interview without rehearsing, and whatever that doesn’t require any effort. The important thing to them is just get a damn job. That’s it. What they do not realize is the weight of what they’re doing before and during applying. Even the smallest mistakes can break your job applications, in case you don’t know.

Engineering job applicants need to be wary of these most painful job search mistakes. I hope that once you’ve been enlightened by these, you won’t make such mistakes again.

Typos on the resume. Before you print that resume, have it checked by someone else for errors. Then check it again by yourself. It sets an impression of unprofessionalism that you can’t look over that tiny resume mistake.

Relaxing on job applications. You need to find the job, engineer. The job won’t come to you.  Stop relying on job postings and look for the unadvertised ones. The odds are they are the best finds because you don’t have much competition. Be proactive in finding the best job for you. You can ask around your connections if companies have available positions.

Lying in job applications. Engineering companies now are more careful and stringent in hiring new people. They utilize the power of the Internet to verify facts especially on your resume. Save yourself from further embarrassment by being honest in your resume.

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Failing to follow up. You have to know how your application is going. Unless the company said, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you” then follow that. But if there’s no mention, always check on the status of your application.

Being unprofessional. If you’re one with an e-mail address from 2009 that is most likely to be ridiculous, change that. Sanitize your social networking profiles as well. Engineering companies now are extra sneaky!

Going into the interview late and unprepared. This isn’t what the company wants from an engineer: tardy and dangerously spontaneous. Always come to any job interview before call-time and with poise. It pays to rehearse a job interview.

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Can’t Land an Engineering Job? Stop Doing These Job Search Mistakes

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