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Got Fired in Your Engineering Job? Here’s What You Should Do

It hurts to be fired by the company you are working for. So what’s next?

One of the most terrible things that could happen to engineers on the job is getting fired. There are several reasons for this, ranging from insubordination, stealing, violating company policies, to poor job performance.

“We have to let you go for something unpleasant that you have done or your lack of impact in our company,” your boss should say. Before leaving, you should be able to identify what you did. If it was not explicitly relayed to you, go and ask your manager about it so that you will be aware of your actions in the future and adjust accordingly.

But regardless, you have already lost that engineering job. It can be really disappointing on your part, especially if you thought that things were going well, but it is part of life. Companies have the right to fire engineers who they believe are unproductive, or at most, damaging.

It is only a chapter that closed in your career, not the whole book. So what should you do when you are faced with this situation?

First things first: crying over what happened is okay. A pity party will not hurt, as it is a normal reaction of the first step which is acceptance. Engineers, no matter how tough, are allowed to have this kind of emotions.

However, the sulking should only last for a day. The next thing to do is to update your resume, ask for recommendation letters, find a new job, and fill out applications. Focus on you this time. You don’t want to become a jobless engineer for long.

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While being unemployed and not invited for job interviews, spend time enjoying yourself. There are so many hobbies to try that do not need to be costly. Doing this will give you a rejuvenation from the job firing.

Remember the quote, “There is no shame in beginning again, for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before.”

Source: Recruiter

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Got Fired in Your Engineering Job? Here’s What You Should Do

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