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Should Engineers Still Go to Work If They are Sick?

There is only one answer to this.

It is no question that engineers have very demanding jobs. And because we give it our all and prioritize our work first before ourselves and our well-being, there will be times that our physical health is compromised.

Consequently, as engineers are also vulnerable to sicknesses, time comes that we wake up having that uncomfortable feeling as if we are unable to survive the day’s job.

And yet we still think about reporting to work. We consider all the missed and delayed tasks if we do not appear in the workplace even just for a day.

This situation should already be a no brainer – engineers should also give time to rest if our body calls for it. But because there are so many things at stake, like a big report or a deadline to beat, we think about how being absent could affect our work progress.

So what really is the best decision if we wake up really sick? There is only one answer: don’t come to work.

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Engineers should learn how to value personal health. More than our jobs, our health is also a priority.

Not only that, we should take in mind how going to work could affect our work duties – if we are still capable of performing tasks amid our health condition.

To stay home is the best decision because it gives us time to get back to work faster with the smallest impact to our colleagues in the workplace. If we push our body to our limits, it could give us more problems in terms of our health.

Plus, our bosses will appreciate it more if we take a day off instead of showing up and not being able to work effectively. Moreover, reporting to work with a flu is not the best idea considering how we could infect other people in the workplace.

Source: Monster

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Should Engineers Still Go to Work If They are Sick?

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