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Introverted Engineers Can Become Great Leaders, Too

Here are five ways.

In the field of engineering, you are required to be as less reserved or shy as possible. The job is about collaborating with other departments within an organization, so being an introverted engineer just do not help at all.

However, that personality is not entirely a misfit in engineering. While it’s true that being an extrovert in engineering arguably yields the best result in this field, introversion has its way of doing things that can still help.

Here are five strengths of introverts in general which allow them to still be great leaders:

They have a natural tendency to think deeply.

Perhaps a common notion when hearing the word ‘introvert’ is that he or she hates people. Actually, studies show that this is false.

It was discovered that introverts feel the same amount of pleasure as extroverts in social situations, except that they would rather have intimate conversations rather than getting around many people. For this, they are bound to think deeply and profoundly about their thoughts and feelings, hence the ability to make careful decisions.

They listen better than extroverts.

Because introverts have the ability to concentrate and block out distractions when a task is on the table, they are considered to be great listeners.

And that works for them because great leaders are always great listeners. That skill puts in place strategies and plans that have a big impact because all ideas are heard and evaluated.

Photo by Microsoft Office

They seem smarter just by being quiet.

Although this does not automatically make introverts the smartest persons in the room, at least that’s they can make others think they are just by sitting in one corner. Because silent people can be really intimidating like they are plotting a move that is too unpredictable. Hence, they can use silence as a power move.

They form deeper networks.

For introverts, it is not about the quantity of friends, but the quality. It’s been said above that they would rather have intimate conversations rather than getting around many people – this preference form a meaningful network compared to extroverts.

They make better leaders for creatives.

Nobody could understand introverted engineers better than their introverted boss. That is a given. But research indicates that success was greater in pro-active, go-getters when led by introverts rather than extroverts.

It boils down to their listening skills, which allow the engaged and creative types to just let their ideas flow as well as let them take credit if they deserve it.

Source: Glassdoor

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Introverted Engineers Can Become Great Leaders, Too

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