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Are You an Engineer Given a Leadership Role? Don’t Fall Into These Traps

Some engineers are just noobs in leadership matters. This should help.

When you are an engineer given a leadership role in a company, the odds are that you have no idea what do with all the responsibility placed on your table. Especially when it is your first time being put in that kind of position, it can really get confusing and startling.

But not when you prepare for it by going around the most common leadership pitfalls.

When you are already in charge, you should be aware of the traps that make you a terrible leader. Here are those below:

Inability to listen

It doesn’t mean that you are the one standing up in the meeting or giving commands in operations, your opinion in matters is the only one followed. As a leader and an engineer, you should always welcome ideas. There are other engineers who think outside the box too who could be of great help, so do not neglect those. To the very least, acknowledge those advice by others if you firmly believe in your decisions.

Only thinking about the bigger picture

While it’s true that you have to meet deadlines or follow a schedule, it takes a leader to evaluate how to get there by chopping the activities related and involved in the goal. Projects should be divided in to smaller tasks and jobs in order for the entirety to be successful. And no, this doesn’t mean micromanagement, but more of keeping that perspective that there may be some instances that targets cannot be met.

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Lack of recognition to performing employees

Do not ever, ever forget to value those who do better than everyone else. You were in that position before and know it very well how it feels to be rewarded, even just a simple pat on the shoulder. Engineers love to take credit for the exceptional job they have done too, so as a leader this is a must-know.

Being unopen to change

Projects and tasks evolve. And it requires an effective leader to understand that, as well as, make the necessary adjustments. Some systems or methods may have worked before, but one needs to take risks so that the efficiency and productivity will further increase.

Being inaccessible

One of the most important qualities of a good engineering leader is visibility and reliability. Your subordinates have to know that they have a working boss in the office that they can lean on in times of urgent needs. Open you doors – not literally – for important reports and updates.


Mentioned above is about thinking on the bigger picture only, which could leave the smaller tasks out of the picture. But it has been clarified that it’s not really micromanagement, as you still need to trust the people you hired who are levels below your position. You should be able to check with them regularly and not directly to the employees as it could waste a lot of your time.

Not communicating

In the field of engineering where almost everything is intertwined, it is important to communicate with each other. As a leader, you are bound to lead this communication by making calls, conducting meetings, and writing e-mails, among others.

Failing to admit you are wrong

Engineering leaders have to take the blame if any mistake was committed or decided. It’s not a habit of a good leader to pass on the blame or deny any fault, as it could turn out the worse for everyone. Just acknowledge the mistake or error in judgment.

Not firing people who are not performing

It’s quite upsetting to see someone leave the company and give them a chance, but there is a limit to that. You have to let employees or subordinates go when they are no longer contributing to the company or have made the same mistakes over and over again without correction. You have to do it because it is your responsibility to keep the company in its best form.

Source: Glassdoor

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Are You an Engineer Given a Leadership Role? Don’t Fall Into These Traps

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