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Is a Leadership Role in Engineering Right For You?

If you’re unsure whether a role in leadership is the right for you, here are the skills you need to have or acquire

Some engineers prefer working directly on projects, while others aspire toward a management role. However, not all engineers are cut out to be leaders. Engineers have a specific skill set, including technical, project management, and mathematical skills. However, to succeed as a leader in engineering, you’ll also need a few soft skills. If you’re unsure whether a leadership role is right for you, here are the skills you need to have or acquire:.

Visionary Skills

Every exceptional leader is a visionary, from Steve Jobs to Martin Luther King. Visionary engineers naturally bring bold, innovative ideas, techniques, and solutions to the engineering field. Don’t feel intimidated by this level of leadership, though. You don’t need to change the world; you just need to broaden your vision in the context of your job.

Most engineers tend to focus on the next actionable step when working on a project. However, when you move into a leadership role, you’ll need to shift your focus to the bigger picture. It is important to be able to influence strategy and consider the long-term vision of either the company or a project. Your role may also require strategic input from external stakeholders like other corporations or government officials.

Risk Assessment and Problem-Solving

As an engineer, you probably already possess risk analysis and problem-solving skills. If there’s a problem with a project, you’re the person who needs to solve it. You also need to be able to spot hazards before they destabilize the project and become a danger to the workers.


Those in management need to be even more attuned to risk. When something goes wrong on a project, it causes delays, impacts the project’s budget, and can lead to serious injuries or deaths to workers. You will shoulder the responsibility and take the blame when things go wrong. Are you comfortable handling this level of responsibility? Your superiors will look at you to explain what went wrong and offer a solution.

Analytical Skills

Most engineers are analytical by nature, which is one reason many are attracted to the field. Critical thinking is one of the most important skills an engineer should have, as some engineering problems are complex. The sharper your analytical skills, the faster you’ll solve problems.

In a leadership role, analytical skills will also apply to business decisions, budgets, forecasting, data, design, project evaluations, and procuring the right materials and manpower.

Interpersonal Skills

In a survey conducted with more than 15,000 managers worldwide, most said that the number one skill a manager should have is the ability to build relationships with people. Engineers are often painted with the introverted brush, preferring task and action-oriented work to dealing with people.

A management position will push you out of your comfort zone. You’ll be required to supervise and motivate staff. To do this, you’ll need to understand team dynamics, i.e., what makes your team members tick. An engaged and motivated team will be more productive and deliver better-quality work.

People are more challenging to manage than the nuts and bolts of a project. You’ll work with different personalities and the unpleasant side of human resources, like performance issues and disciplinary action. You’ll also need to show compassion and empathy when your team members face personal problems. If you’re uncomfortable managing people, a leadership role in engineering may not suit you.

Receptive To Feedback

Visionary leaders often see what others don’t and forge ahead to achieve their goals despite the naysayers. This makes them so formidable that they often achieve the success most people only dream of.

However, good leaders are also good listeners. They listen to feedback from their team and may even seek advice from a mentor. They’re aware that their passion may blind them to certain issues. When team members point out a potential problem, they’re willing to listen and adjust the plan if necessary.

Communication Skills

The engineering field has its own language that outsiders may not understand. That’s why engineering leaders need good communication skills. It’s also one of the hardest skills for many engineers to crack.

As an engineering leader, you communicate with your team, upper management, clients, external stakeholders, and, in some cases, even the media. You also need to communicate project expectations, progress, and solutions to your team and superiors. You may sometimes be required to lead negotiations with clients or consultants.

When communicating with those outside the field, you’ll need to convey technical concepts in layman’s terms, both verbally and in writing. At times, you may need to do presentations, and for many, the fear of public speaking is crippling. Fortunately, this is a skill you can improve by taking a public speaking for engineers course.

Moving into a leadership role in engineering is an exciting step. According to the Engineering Management Institution, great engineering leaders have a combination of technical skills, people skills, and project management skills. If you are comfortable with all three, then a leadership role in engineering is a good fit for you.

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Is a Leadership Role in Engineering Right For You?

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