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Online Tools Every Engineering Freshman Needs To Know

Welcome to the world of engineering school!

Let me start of by saying, welcome to the world of engineering! So all you engineering freshman are clueless about college engineering life, I’m here to tell you that it won’t be easy, but I’m sure that everything will be worth it once you survive it ‘till the end.

Source: Pinterest

To help you start your first year of engineering right, you’ll need to learn to be organized, get motivated, and learn tools and shortcuts that will help you pass your subjects. So, here are some sites you might need to help you in your studies.


Source: Habitica

This site is a tool that teaches you to be more productive, and help you build good study habits.

Wolfram Alpha

Source: How To Geek

This site can guide you in your math subjects. It gives you data on different subjects, even step-by-step instructions for math problems.


Source: Therapidtechsolutions

This site teaches you the secrets of Sherlock—mind mapping! Mind mapping can go a long way in engineering, and you can access it on this site anytime.


Source: On the black list

This site can help you get the best deals on everything you need from clothing, textbooks, electronic devices and more.


Source: Woorank

Looking for a job isn’t easy, so this site helps you find internships and entry-level jobs that meets your skills, and interests.

Written Kitten

Source: Chicago Now

This site helps you in your writing classes. You set a target word count and you will see a new picture of a cat when you hit that count. It’s cute motivation for cat lovers, if I must say.


Source: Crazy Egg

This is one of the coolest tools for creating your presentations. It will give you amazing graphics and layouts that will surely capture your audience’s attention.

Keep Me Out

Source: gurl

Social media can lure you away from studying for hours and hours—and you can’t have that in engineering. This site helps you avoid doing so by keeping you from being able to access your favorite websites for a certain period of time that you set.


Source: Joy of Android

Are you always late? This tool is a great app for those who love to hit the snooze button before actually getting out of bed

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Online Tools Every Engineering Freshman Needs To Know

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