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Construction Robot Built An Entire Brick House In Just Two Days

The Hadrian X robo-builder is like a giant 3D printer for houses and construction

Construction Robot

A lot of printing technology have been popping up at every corner of the internet, but this one is arguably the best printing tech out in the world today.

Well, first of all, it’s not really a 3D printer. The Hadrian X is a robo-builder built and designed to build houses faster and more efficiently. It’s mounted on top of a truck where it can conveniently place bricks from a higher point. The builder can “print” 1,000 bricks per hour including adhesion and the best thing about it is that it does not need coffee breaks.

Source: YouTube

The builder can work for 24 hour days and can build a regular sized home in a matter of 2 days. While most construction use cement, Hadrian X uses construction glue to hold the bricks together. Australian firm, Fastbrick, claims that this badass robotics machine can revolutionize the construction industry. “We are one step closer to being fully automated.” said Mike Pivac, CEO of Fastbrick.

Fastbrick Robotics Time lapse (source: Fastbrick Robotics)
Fastbrick Robotics Time lapse (source: Fastbrick Robotics)

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Engr. Aaron Kesel
Based in Dallas, Texas. Aaron Kesel is a chemical engineer who works in semiconductor processing and manufacturing for one of the top 3 semiconductor companies. His specific area of expertise include Photolithography, diffusion, epitaxy, and metrology. Prior to this role, he has held positions in power distribution working around water purifiers and large scale industrial applications.

Construction Robot Built An Entire Brick House In Just Two Days

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