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This Engineer Makes the Friendliest Car Horn Ever

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A car horn is considered to be a startling noise, which disrupts the silence on the streets or spoils the fun in singing with friends in the car. But one engineer thought of reinventing the car horn to be more distinct about its purpose.

Mark Rober, a YouTube superstar and a former engineer at NASA, developed a new set of car horns which he wants to be the new standard in cars.

“The standard horn is very one-dimensional and doesn’t give other drivers context as to why you’re honking at them,” he said in his DIY horn video.

There are three sounds he made, each of which is distinct to each other depending on the intention of the driver.

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One honk is what Rober calls as the “courtesy honk,” which is a high-pitched toot-toot to make the driver in the car in front aware that the green light is already on, but not coming off as angry or upset.

Center of the customized set of car horns is the nicest to the ears, as well as the weirdest. Pushing this honk will produce an alien-like sound when it tries to contact humans. Rober made it this way to get the attention of a pedestrian who is not even in a car.

The last honk is rather not new, as it is similar to the current standard car horn, perhaps even more disturbing to the ear. It is an insanely loud train horn that easily gets anyone’s attention, “like when two teenagers are taking their sweet time crossing the road in front of you while fidget spinning,” Rober noted. This honk should not be loosely used by drivers.

Rober’s main intention in making these horns is to make the roads more pleasant through the increased vocabulary of the standard car horn.

Want to have these horns for your own car? Be ready to have a 12V to 5V inverter, horn buttons, and a 100-watt amp. Other details of the making and installation are found in the video below

Video by Mark Rober

Source: Mashable

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This Engineer Makes the Friendliest Car Horn Ever

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