Why Some Engineers Have Difficulty Reaching Their Potentials

You have to learn to get out of your own way and bring out the best in you.

In can be frustrating. You feel like you should be somewhere else in life, way ahead of where you are right now; and yet you can’t seem to pinpoint your problem, so you just scream that you just want to be happy. Well, the brutal truth is that the problem might be in yourself. You have to learn to get out of your own way and bring out the best in you.

Here are 10 reasons why some Engineers haven’t fulfilled their potentials.

You’re scared

Source: Giphy

You daydream about quitting your boring job and joining an elite electronics company or starting your own project even if you know you’ve saved enough and you have what it takes, yet you never do so because you’re afraid of the consequences.

Stop daydreaming, breathe, feel that fear, and do it anyway.

Not “walking the walk”

You like to be given advice, but you never follow it. You think that by listening to it you’ll follow it eventually. Listen, advice doesn’t seep into you through osmosis. Listen, understand, and follow through.

You have no direction

Source: Clipart Kid

How will you ever reach your dreams if you don’t know how to get there? Destinations need direction, and so do your goals. Plan what you want to do to reach your goals and follow that plan.

You don’t measure your progress

Source: Pinterest

How will you know how much you’re improved if you don’t have a way of measuring it? Measure your progress, know how much more you have to grow and expand. This’ll help you reach your full potential

Read more  Engineers, Avoid Saying “No” And Start Asking “How”

It takes a village

Learn to surround yourself with people who are smart, devoted, and have good directions in life. Find people who challenge you, spend time with positive thinkers who push the envelope and motivate you. You’ll achieve so much more.


Source: astoldbymika.com

“I’m not good enough” is the thought that haunts you. If you don’t believe in yourself and what you can do, how will anyone else? Create small goals and celebrate them when you achieve it. You deserve it. Believe in yourself. This will help build your confidence and kiss those negative thoughts goodbye.


Source: Tumblr

Everything has to be perfect. If it isn’t, you put it off or throw it away. This leads to procrastination which leads to the destruction of your dream. Remember, now is the perfect time, and it’s better to be finished, rather than perfect.

Unreasonable reasoning

Source: Giphy

Reasons are sugar-coated excuses, and the fact remains is that they’re still excuses. Stop giving yourself reasons to not do it, go with your gut, and do it.

“May I Please?”

Source: Giphy

You keep on asking permission–even if it isn’t needed. Why would you need permission to do what you want and be who you are? You’re an adult. You don’t have to ask permission. Take the first step and charge.

Do you even lift bro?

Source: knowyourmeme.com

Courage and creativity are like muscles, and if you take action and create something new every day, you’re building these muscles to become stronger. Sure, you’ll make mistakes, but this’ll make your immune system stronger and you’ll learn from these mistakes anyway.

Read more  The Best Engineers in the World Have These 7 Key Skills at Work

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Why Some Engineers Have Difficulty Reaching Their Potentials

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