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Engineers Can’t Answer “Why Should We Hire You” During Job Interview

The answer is easy but not all engineers are doing it.

You’ve been out for days, hunting for the job of your dreams. Suddenly, your dream company sends you an email to inform you of scheduled interview. So you get excited and then you get ready for an interview that could make or break you. You want this job so bad so you got yourself well-prepared for it. Like all engineers, you have a perfect plan.

As soon as you step into the interview room, you feel nervous being in front of these interviewers. The interview starts well until one of them asks you, “Why should we hire you?”

Source: Giphy

Of course, you think you know what to say in that question. You tell them all your experiences in your previous jobs, how you became a star among other engineers. You even mentioned your long list of accomplishments in engineering school. You told them you got really high grades in engineering, you were the top notcher in the board exam and that your previous bosses always praised you at work. You think you’ve aced this interview by letting them know about your previous accomplishments.

But here’s an advice. If you really want to ace that very important question, don’t answer them with your previous accomplishments. Answer that question with what you can do to improve the company you’re applying for. If you’ve done a little research about the company and the job you’re applying for, give them ideas of what you bring to the table. Let them know what you are capable of and how those things can help the company.

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In short, sell yourself by telling these interviewers why hiring you would be beneficial for them. Only after you tell them those things will you mention what makes you special as an engineer – your features such as being hardworking, loyal and all things that sound fancy to them.

Source: Giphy

Do you have any tips on how to ace this simple interview questions? Leave us a comment below.

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Engineers Can’t Answer “Why Should We Hire You” During Job Interview

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