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What’s that Hole Next To Your iPhone Camera?

The iPhone has a mystery in its hardware feature that many people have been wondering what it was for—a hole next to the back camera.

When you get yourself a new smartphone, one cannot help but tinker around with it. We usually check all the apps, and check all the buttons, making sure we know how to go around the device without difficulty. The iPhone however has a mystery in its hardware that many people have been wondering what it was for—a hole next to the back camera.

Source: World Inside Pictures

Is it a sensor? A microphone? A reset button? What is it for or what does it do?

The majority of netizens think that this may be a reset button—but no, it isn’t. So, don’t go experimenting and poking that hole with anything! This hole is actually a noise cancelling microphone.

Source: Yahoo

A noise cancelling microphone doesn’t actually listen to your voice like a normal microphone. This type of microphone eliminates background noises so that the caller on the other end can hear a clear and precise voice. This also helps record your voice clearly, so Siri will be able to recognize your words better.

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What’s that Hole Next To Your iPhone Camera?

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