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Engineers Guide to Bouncing Back After Leaving a Job

Engineers Guide: How does one get back in the game after leaving a job?

How engineers can bounce back after leaving a job

Engineers Guide


There are many reasons why people leave their jobs.

Maybe there was poor management and the benefits were not as good. Your work might not have been compensated the way you expect it to be or worse you might have been being bullied at work *knocks on wood*. Or maybe you wanted to go back to school for your master’s degree.

Whatever the reason is, all of them lead to one place—unemployment.

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Being in this dog-eat-dog world, we have to make ends meet.

Financial stability is a must for us to survive and go on with our daily lives. Especially so if you don’t have next-job offers. So, after leaving a job, and don’t have another job lined up, how can you get back in the game?

Here are a few tips that can guide you in making sensible decisions and help you bounce back to a career.

1. Cut the unnecessary

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This is the most important of all the tips. This is the most crucial step when you plan to leave work, especially if you don’t have another job lined up—create a sufficient savings fund.

A sufficient amount for your savings fund must be around 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses.

For many, they would say this may be too much and it’ll take forever to save up that amount. It may seem difficult, but you can cut down on the amount by creating a frugal budget for your monthly expenses.

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If possible, cut out all unnecessary expenses.

Maybe you could find a roommate, cancel gym memberships and unnecessary magazine subscriptions.

Use your phone plan to the bare minimum. If you want, you could also sell stuff on EBay or Lazada just so you can complete your budget.

2. Fill in the Gap

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When you do get back on your feet and land a job interview, many of the employers would ask why you left your company and what did you do between the gap.

Be ready with a good explanation, but make sure you don’t talk bad about your previous company.

Tell them about how you want to grow more as a professional, how you wanted to learn outside the box and find your passions. Then make sure to highlight more on your skills.

Surprisingly, many employers care more about your skills rather than the reason why you took a break.

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3. Call it Quits

After a certain time of taking a break, you will have to return to a job eventually.

Make a circumstance, a sort of “sign” that when you get there, it means it’s time to go back to work.

You can use your savings as a basis, if you’re almost out, then it’s probably time to give out resumes.

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Not everyone’s situation is the same. It’s your choice up to what degree you should follow these tips, it’ll depend on your situation.

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Don’t forget: Just be true to yourself and everything will fall into place.

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Engineers Guide to Bouncing Back After Leaving a Job

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