How Engineers Can Survive A Toxic Work Environment

6 tips to help us engineers cope with a toxic environment when we have no choice but to deal with it

Source: Cyquest Business Solutions

It’s pretty much a known fact that a lot of people are stuck at jobs they don’t particularly like. Even worse if they’re in some place they hate with a passion because it’s toxic. The reasons could vary. It could be an unjust boss, coworkers with bad attitudes, messy schedules and policies, or all three, it’s really no fun. While usually the absolute best solution is to leave the toxic environment for some place better, there are times where we have no choice but to deal with it. So for those who are in the latter, here are 6 tips to help you survive in a toxic workplace.


Don’t take your work home


Source: And Pop

If you already know that your workplace is toxic, then why would you bring your work with you at home? It’s just gonna move that toxicity somewhere else and haunt you. Make a rule never to talk about work at your home. Don’t check your emails. Keep your home a place where you can relax, make it your happy place, and keep it that way.


Vent to someone from outside your office


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Everyone needs a support system- it’s the key to keeping everything within you under control. Vent and release your frustrations to someone, a close friend, a family member, anyone you trust. Let them know that they don’t even need to respond, because just letting off these troubling emotions is enough to calm someone down.

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Look for any positive at all


Source: Giphy

When you’re in a toxic environment, it’s very common to lose all your motivation. This is the best time to stop and think about the positive, any positive you can find. The most effective one is knowing that this job could lead you to higher positions and help you achieve success if you endure it a bit longer. So find anything good, and focus only on that.


Don’t live in the drama


Source: Vomzi

This should be something that’s unsaid, but it seems like people never mature and leave high school. I’m pretty sure there are some coworkers who come off to you that way and do nothing but gossip. There’s nothing much you can do about them, so just choose not to participate in it at all.




Source: Giphy

Don’t let problems and rumours build up. Clear up any misunderstanding ASAP. If anything needs to be discussed, do it professionally. Don’t make something turn into something worse.


Create an exit strategy


Source: Gifsec

Again, the best solution to a toxic environment is to leave it altogether. The right time might not be now, but it’ll come eventually. Work on your exit strategy so that you can leave your job with ease as soon as the opportunity comes. This’ll also help signal your brain that this won’t last forever, and that you’ll eventually work your way to greater things and places.

Article Sources:

Huffington Post

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How Engineers Can Survive A Toxic Work Environment

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