How To Be An Engineering Boss People Like To Work For

In an engineering team where everybody has different opinions and ideas, a boss should know how to handle each member of the team.

Becoming the boss of a team is a huge responsibility for everyone. In an engineering team where everybody has different opinions and ideas, a boss should know how to handle each member and how one treats the people in a team will reflect on the performance and output of the whole group.

As much as possible, we try to be the boss who inspires and constantly encourages our members. Unfortunately, not everyone can be like that. Some of us end up becoming bosses people fear.

So how do you know if you’re one of those terrible bosses?

Source: JoBlo

Some of their terrible leadership styles include showing little interest on their members’ personal lives and not engaging with them to know more about their interests and aspirations. If one never sees the employees as human beings, they end up treating their subordinates as functions only – which often leads to people feeling uninspired and overworked.

Terrible bosses also create an unhealthy competitive work environment for the employees. While office politics is normal in every working environment, a terrible boss often creates an unhappy vibe for everyone at work.

Source: Giphy

But what if you’re the cool type of boss? Here are the signs that you are cool as a cucumber.

  • You make everyone in the team feel each person has a crucial role in the company’s development.
  • You are transparent with your information about the work and the company.
  • You listen to what your employees have to say and consider every suggestions.
  • You put importance to your employees’ relationship with their families, so you make the work schedule flexible for them.
  • You trust the members of your team to decide what’s best for their work but remain dedicated to mentoring each one of them when needed.
  • You give feedback to each performance, including some recognition to those who deserve it.
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These are just examples of how you can be the cool boss employees look up to and enjoy working for. What can you add to this list?

Source: Giphy

Article Source:

Inc. Southeast Asia


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How To Be An Engineering Boss People Like To Work For

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