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Never Lose Sight of Your Kids Using The dokiWatch

dokiWatch started when Caspier Chien thought he almost lost his nephew. He came up with the idea that parents needed to easily keep track of their kids.

How frightening is it to lose your kids when you take them out for a typical family day in the mall? Parents can’t really be with their children 24/7 and the thought of them being exposed to harm and danger is really their nightmare. So, is there a simple way to make sure the kids are safe wherever they go?

The idea behind the dokiWatch started when Caspier Chien took his nephew out in a crowded shopping area. When he thought he almost lost his nephew, he came up with the idea that parents need a device that can easily keep track of their kids. So, he developed the first-ever smartwatch that serves as a GPS locator, a fitness tracker, a wearable phone and even an electronic pet to kids! Knowing that it is not advisable to give young children (ages 6 to 12) smartphones yet, Chien thought the dokiWatch can help bring families together through communication and safety.

In this exclusive interview with Caspier Chien, founder and CEO of Doki Technologies, he talks to us about his plans for his startup company, Doki Technologies, his thoughts on the toy industry and shares his advice to young engineers on how to make it in the business world.



Introduce yourself. 

My name is Casper Chien. I am the Founder and CEO of Doki Technologies.

How many years have you been working in your industry?

Before starting Doki Technologies, I worked extensively in strategic marketing and product development at leading innovative companies such as Adidas and Fitbit.

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Describe your company.

Doki is a fairly new company. We started in 2015 so it has been a rapid growth for us going from just having a product concept to the development and manufacturing, and now to retail in the span of 18 months.

Doki Technologies is made up of a small but energetic team of 10 people. We’re a startup so the amount of manpower we have is limited. Our head office is based in Hong Kong but we also work with engineers and developers in Shenzhen, China.

Describe your mission, vision and values.

I believe that the Doki team and I share the same vision of creating a world of seamless connectivity between parents and their children. We aim to develop technologies that enhance and improve children’s lives, keep them connected to their parents, and ensure their safety.

Where is this company headed? What are your future expansion plans? 

The future is really open ended for us. I feel like we can take Doki into many different directions. Now we’re in the early stages of planning, but we hope to expand further into education, health, communications and safety. We also plan to gamify certain features for kids such as augmenting the dokiPet feature. dokiPet now is primarily a fitness tracker but I think we can take it further by making it into a fully interactive virtual pet that kids can feed and play with.



What do you think is the future of the toy/gadget industries?

I think as we progress technologically, kid’s toys and gadgets will focus very much on smart devices. It’s almost inevitable. There’s a lot of talk now about virtual or augmented reality. Maybe there’s a way to turn virtual reality into a learning tool for kids.

How will today’s toys and gadgets make a difference as compared to the ones from the past?

It’s a very different world today than it was 10 or 20 years ago. Now, children’s toys, entertainment, and even educational tools have shifted very much to smart devices and IoT devices. The wants and needs of kids have significantly changed as well. Nowadays kids want that instant gratification and having unlimited information on their fingertips.

Which toy/gadget from your childhood made an impact on you while growing up?

When I was growing up, the one toy that I loved playing was my Super Nintendo and Gameboy. Those were the things that tech savvy kids at the time all had when I was growing up. When I think about it now and compare it with the dokiWatch, I know that kids will always be attracted to products that are the most innovative and advanced.



What’s the inspiration behind your products? 

The idea for dokiWatch really came from a situation that I experienced myself. I was walking with my nephew, and we were in a crowded shopping area, suddenly we got separated in the crowd and I couldn’t find him. I’m sure every parent can relate to this feeling, it’s almost frightening when this happens. Thankfully I found him safe and sound but it suddenly dawned on me that there is a real need for a device like dokiWatch.

Which group is your target market and why? 

dokiWatch is aimed at kids 6-12 years old. We want to target kids who are old enough to use a smart device but too young to handle the risk and responsibilities of having a smartphone. We understand that many parents do not want to give their children smartphones because of its limited parental control.

What are the future innovations that you or your company are pursuing?

At this stage, we’re still working on perfecting dokiWatch. Our developers are constantly working on taking in user feedback and working on ways to improve the firmware and user experience. We are also in the planning phase of our next product which will be another IoT device for kids.

Do you think your product has made an impact on your consumers and in your industry?

I definitely think that dokiWatch has set a new standard for kid smart devices. There’s not really another product like dokiWatch on the market that offers that same functionality. We’ve also gotten tons of positive feedback from parents and even medical professionals and parents of special needs kids. From these comments, I feel that dokiWatch has certainly made an impression on the market.

Where do you see your products heading 10 years from now?

Maybe in 10 years’ time, technology have already evolved and maybe smart wearables will be completely different from what we know now. But certainly, I want Doki to be a company that will adapt to the changing climate and still develop products that will ultimately bring families together through communication and safety.

What makes your product different from your competitors?

dokiWatch is a completely innovative product. While there are other kid’s smart watches on the market, none of them are as comprehensive as dokiWatch. It is truly a wearable phone. It has all the essential functions but without the risk and responsibility. Combined with GPS location and a fitness tracker, dokiWatch is on track to become a leader in kids IoT devices.



What challenges did your companies face while developing your product?

One challenge we’ve had to face is finding a manufacturer who is willing to be our partner and work closely with us in bringing a concept idea to fruition.

How did your company overcome these challenges?

The relationship between Doki and our manufacturer is extremely important and was key for our rapid growth. We are very lucky to be working with Wherecom, a manufacturer that worked alongside us to create a truly innovative and high quality product.



When you think of a new idea, make sure that it is marketable and commercially viable. Engineers tend to think only of development and the technicalities of the product, but that’s really only half the battle. I would recommend engineers to partner with someone who is strong in marketing and business development.

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Never Lose Sight of Your Kids Using The dokiWatch

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