Confessions: I Took A Pill In Engineering School

I took a pill in engineering school just because I want people to think that I’m cool.

It all started one night when I went out for a drink with a few friends. We weren’t close but they were my classmates in one of my engineering majors. Things got really good among us. We’ve got these girls hanging out with us as well. Everyone was already feeling a little drunk so one of my friends asked us if we were into something new.

I was just a sophomore mechanical engineering student in a local college in Beverly Hills. I already started working on a business plan for a startup using a mobile app my friends and I have been developing. My family can afford a lot of things – something I’m grateful for but I was never an achiever. That’s why I never got in any Ivy League school. What can I say, I was the typical rich kid born with money and privilege. Parents were both highly-paid professionals with a few businesses on the side. I even manage one of those small businesses. Even I don’t know why I ended up pursuing engineering when I clearly don’t need it.

I hook up with girls because my old friends and I could easily score chicks. I smoke cigarettes and weed all the time but I never really thought of going further from there. I was your typical stoner addicted to smoking weed. I get high from it all the time. Things became different that night I started hanging out with these new classmates. It’s a little bit ironic that we’re engineering students but we’re out drinking instead of studying.

Source: Giphy

One of my new friends immediately asked us if we were open to taking pills. Of course I knew what he meant by that. I was avoiding taking them because I only took anything organic. I’ve heard that taking ecstasy was a little bit harder to get rid off from the system. Unfortunately, peer pressure was strong that time that everyone of us decided take the pill and get high on it at the back of our college at the corner of our campus. We were feeling brave that night and security wasn’t exactly strict on students going in and out of campus.

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There we were. A little bit drunk, our money on the ground and we were trying hard not to get caught while we were laughing hard. Someone even started throwing one of our engineering books. Ripping the pages apart just because he hated being part of a system that had was no fun at all. We were intoxicated but we felt alive in that moment.

So, one of my new friends pops out the pills and they started taking them. I was nervous at first but as soon as I stared at the last remaining pill, I saw how small it was. What harm can it do to me? It was just small. It didn’t help that my friends started pressuring me to take it already. I gave in and I swallowed it. Later on, I started laughing so hard. I was laughing hard until I could hear my friends rushing me up from the ground to run from security. They were approaching and hell, I didn’t want to get caught high. My parents would kill me if they caught me high!

Source: Giphy

So I ran and I laughed! The feeling was just really good, like I was on top of the world. I was happy and I wanted the feeling to last longer. Running from the authorities took a long time until we were able to hide in the dark corner of the street outside the campus. Thankfully we managed to escape them and we continued feeling high in my friend’s condominium. I never really knew them but I trusted them enough for me to end up sleeping there… or so I thought.

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The next morning, I found myself  naked in my friend’s couch. I was totally clueless about what happened but from what my friends recall, I was just dancing butt naked. They even took a video of me. That was one embarrassing experience I could never do when I’m sober. I left the place and decided to go back to my house. Good thing I still had six hours before my class starts. So I removed any trace of what happened last night by taking a shower.

As soon as the water started to pour, I felt sadness in me. I was informed that this was the side-effect of taking the pill. I was just sad. I didn’t really understand why but the feeling was there and no matter what I do to shake the feeling off, the feeling just felt stuck in my system. Even if I hung out with my other friends, I still observed I was feeling depressed over the unknown. I started blaming my course for being so tough. I started blaming engineering for pressuring me to achieve something I could never do. So I decided to meet up with the guys later that night and took another pill to shake the feeling off my system.

Source: Mike Posner via YouTube

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Confessions: I Took A Pill In Engineering School

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