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Lamborghini Medical Shields & Surgical Masks for Health Workers

Automobili Lamborghini starts production of surgical masks and medical shields for use in Coronavirus pandemic

Lamborghini medical shields and masks to protect Italian frontliners


Automobili Lamborghini is converting departments of its super sports car production plant in Sant’Agata Bolognese in order to produce surgical masks and protective plexiglass shields. The masks will be donated to the Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital in Bologna to be used in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


Lamborghini medical shields and masks: : 3D printed component of Lamborghini medical shield for S. Orsola Hospital


Lamborghini medical shields and surgical masks produced by Lamborghini for S. Orsola Hospital


Lamborghini medical shields and masks: Upholstery workers producing surgical masks for S. Orsola Hospital workers


Lamborghini medical shields and masks: Historical entrance with Italian Tricolore lights


Work on this solidarity initiative will be carried out by personnel of the saddlery that produce the interiors and specialty customisation for Lamborghini cars, producing 1,000 masks a day. The medical shields will be realized in 200 units a day, using 3D printers within the carbon fibre production plant and the Research and Development department.

The activity has been approved and supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region, and is taking place in collaboration with the University of Bologna. The Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences will oversee validation testing of the medical devices made by Lamborghini, prior to their delivery to hospital.

Stefano Domenicali, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, comments: “During this emergency, we feel the need to make a concrete contribution. The S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital is an institution with which we have had a collaborative relationship for years, through both professional consultancy in promoting programs to protect our workers’ health, and in research projects. We will win this battle together by working in union, supporting those who are at the forefront of fighting this pandemic every day.”

As a sign of unity and support for the entire nation facing the Coronavirus emergency, every evening Lamborghini lights up the historic headquarter buildings in Sant’Agata Bolognese, with the colors of the Italian flag.


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Engr. Frank Taylor
Australian living in sunny Dubai. Chemical engineer, writer, blogger and social good enthusiast. I'm on Twitter @FrankTaylor90

Lamborghini Medical Shields & Surgical Masks for Health Workers

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