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Marine Biologist Shares Tips During COVID-19 Quarantine

Emily’s seven top tips on doing your bit for the environment during this period of self-isolation

Marine Biologist


Marine Biologist, Emily Armstrong shares her top tips for eco-friendly living. After all, the smallest of changes can have a big impact.

Please see below for Marine Biologist Emily Armstrong’s seven top tips on doing your bit for the environment during this period of self-isolation:

Turn off the tap!

Leaving the tap running for two minutes twice a day while brushing your teeth really adds up! By closing the tap when you brush, you could save up to 750 litres of water a month.

Switch to meat-less Mondays

Rearing animals and processing the meat for consumption has a huge environment cost, with ten times the amount of water needed to process one kilo of beef than a vegetable alternative. Make the switch just one day a week and go meat-free.

Use reef-safe products

Cosmetic products, particularly sunscreen, can contain harmful chemicals that cause a lot of damage to coral reefs. For those lucky enough to have a backyard or balcony for a spot of sunbaking, be sure to avoid products that contain oxybenzone and octinoxate, instead use a mineral-based sunscreen with ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These still block harmful UV rays but are not linked to coral bleaching.

Don’t waste food!

Over 2kg of food per person on average is thrown away every day in the UAE! Be mindful when you fill up your basket on that essential trip to the supermarket, making sure you don’t overfill with perishable items you won’t use. At home, re-use or freeze food where you can to avoid wastage.

Microbeads = Megaproblem

Microbeads (tiny plastic particles found in skincare and other cosmetics) and microfibers (microscopic plastic fibres from fabrics that shed in the wash) easily end up in our oceans, causing problems to marina life. Be mindful of the skin care products you buy (avoid products with polyethylene or polypropylene) and invest in a specialized washing ball that can catch all those pesky microfibers in the wash.

Bye bye balloons

It might seem unusual to have a party, not only in isolation, but without balloons. However, balloons are a single-use plastic and often break up into tiny pieces that end up in the ocean. Next time you celebrate, skip the balloon and consider environmentally friendly alternatives such as ribbons and bunting according to a marine biologist, Emily Armstrong.

Use eco-friendly cleaning products

According to a marine biologist, a lot of cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that aren’t environmentally friendly to create or dispose of, and which can also affect your health. Use a citrus-bases natural all-purpose cleaner of make your own by combining ½ cup vinegar and ¼ cup baking soda into ½ gallon (2 liters) of water – great for removal of water deposit stains on shower panels, bathroom chrome fixtures, windows and mirrors.


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Marine Biologist Shares Tips During COVID-19 Quarantine

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